Why have additional documents been submitted to the Local Planning Authority?
We have submitted a number of new and amended documents in response to questions and comments from the local community, statutory consultees, stakeholders and interested parties, submitted over the past four months. The documents do three things. They clarify what we are seeking planning permission for, they provide further explanation of and rationale for the proposals and they provide additional analysis of the likely effects of the proposals.
How have the proposals been amended?
The proposals have been amended in two respects:
- We have increased the minimum amount of office floorspace and are now seeking planning permission for between 70,000 sq m and 87,693 sq m of office development. We were originally proposing between 46,056 sq m and 87,693 sq m.
- We are also now proposing to cap the overall amount of development constructed on site at 379,729 sq m. This amount of development can be accommodated within the physical parameters specified in the application.
Otherwise, the proposals remain the same.
What are the main changes that you have made to the Parameter Plans?
We have sub-divided some of the development zones to make them smaller and to make development within them easier to control. We have also amended the plan indicating how the upper floors of development within certain zones are to be used, reflecting the new proposal to deliver at least 70,000 sq m of office floorspace (see above).
What are the main changes that you have made to the Development Specification?
In addition to the floorspace changes, we are now proposing floorspace caps for each development zone. We had no such caps previously, but instead had specified physical parameters for each development zone (building heights, widths and lengths). These limits remain but the floorspace caps will give City of York Council an additional layer of control in the event that planning permission is granted.
What are the main changes that you have made to the Planning Statement addendum?
The revised Addendum contains additional information on the need to divert (stop up) Leeman Road at its eastern end and explains in more detail the impact that the diversion will have on pedestrians and cyclists currently using Leeman Road to access York Railway Station and the City Centre. This includes the provision of full journey time information for a variety of pedestrian and cycle routes.
What are the main changes that you have made to the Design Guide?
The Design Guide has been amended to provide a greater degree of clarity over what developers can put forward at the detailed design stage (i.e. reserved matters). These include:
- clarification of wording on the approach to be taken to landscape; ecology; habitat creation; pedestrian, cycle and shared routes; streets; pedestrian and footpath widths; street hierarchy; and pedestrian and cycle crossings;
- further explanation of how refuse vehicles will move around the site;
- clearer and additional information on recommended fencing;
- clearer and additional information on townscape and views;
- the provision of plot by plot volumetric development limits;
- amendments to help to achieve ‘Yorkness’ in the layout and street pattern created;
- information on lighting and surfacing detail though Marble Arch;
- clarity on the use of roof terraces where provided;
- an additional section on social housing quality, inclusivity and accessibility to shared spaces; and
- confirmation that departures from the provisions of the Design Guide will only be allowed in exceptional
What information is contained in the addendum to the Design and Access Statement?
Following discussions with the Local Planning Authority and its consultees, we have tested several iterations of the illustrative masterplan that accompanies the application. The addendum contains a version of the masterplan which indicates how York Central could accommodate 2,500 new homes, 70,000 sq m of office development, as well as retail, leisure and community uses and open spaces.
At the request of the Council, it also includes a compendium of the numerous 3D images and diagrams that are included in the main Design and Access Statement, for ease of reference.
What are the main changes that have been made to the Environmental Statement?
The Environmental Statement has been amended to assess the effects of the changes that we have made to the proposals (see above) and, as a precautionary measure, to ensure that it addresses requirements specified in regulations.
The revised Statement also contains new assessments in respect of wind, climate change and health impacts, as well amendments to a number of other chapters and as consequential updates to the chapter on cumulative effects.
What are the main changes that you have made to the Transport Assessment?
In response to comments made by the Council, we have re-examined the likely impact of the proposed development in traffic and transportation terms. We have looked again at how traffic will make its way to and from York Central, the impact that additional traffic will have on numerous junctions around the City and the effects that the development could have on bus journeys. We have also included an assessment of the pedestrian and cycle infrastructure around the site and have identified where improvements could be made.
Alongside the Transport Assessment, we have submitted a revised Framework Travel Plan. This contains more detailed measures that developers and occupiers of the site will be required to implement, in order to minimise traffic and encourage people to walk, cycle and use public transport instead of travelling by car. The implementation of these measures, and controls in respect of traffic movements through the site, would be secured by the use of planning conditions and planning obligations in the event that planning permission is granted.
Where can I view the documents?
All of the documents that have been submitted to the Council can be viewed on the Council’s website. Go to: https://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications and enter 18/01884/OUTM in the ‘Simple Search’ box. Once on the York Central landing page containing details of the application, click on documents. Some documents have been split into a number of parts owing to file size.
In addition, complete versions of the documents (i.e. not split) are available via Avison Young’s file sharing system and will remain available for public viewing until the application is determined. You can access the documents via the following link: https://gva.box.com/s/9mxoaxhiblbo20o4vewc5oshdw5w59yb
Can I comment on the documents?
Yes. You can comment on the planning application online by following this above planning access link. You can also comment by email to planning.comments@york.gov.uk or in writing to Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, YO1 6GA.
Is there a deadline for comments?
The Local Planning Authority is asking people to submit their comments by close of business on 1 March 2019.